Marc Fidder
1 min

Power Pages: Enabling External Approvals in Your Internal Business Processes

1 min

What are Power Pages?

Power Pages are a feature within the Power Platform that allows you to create external websites. With Power Pages, you can seamlessly involve external parties, such as customers, suppliers, or partners, in your internal business processes. These modern web pages can retrieve and update data in your business applications, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and customer engagement.

What makes Power Pages remarkable is that they not only engage external parties in internal business processes but also seamlessly integrate with subsequent steps in the process. 🚀

Imagine a scenario where a customer needs to approve a purchase order. With Power Pages, the customer can do this through a user-friendly web page. But here’s the powerful part: once the customer gives approval, the internal process continues automatically. The purchase order is processed, the supplier is notified, and the goods are shipped—all without manual intervention!

This seamless collaboration between external and internal processes delivers significant efficiency gains.

Benefits of Power Pages

Involving external parties in your internal business processes with Power Pages offers numerous benefits:

  • Efficiency: Automating repetitive tasks allows employees to focus on exceptions and strategic decisions. 
  • Customer Engagement: External parties feel more involved in the process, strengthening the relationship between your organization and your customers. 
  • Accuracy: External approvals provide an additional layer of control, allowing errors to be detected and corrected earlier. 
  • Transparency: Customers can track the progress of their approvals, creating trust and clarity.


Power Pages are a valuable tool for involving external parties in your internal business processes and improving overall efficiency.
